How I Made My First 65$ Online : Beating Laziness

(Author’s Note: I was intially going to publish this post on Lazysouls but thought the tone and style would be too personal for that blog. Hence, it goes live here. I will write a prologue and epilogue to this one perhaps.)

victory is mine

How I started making money from writing is a funny story.  After graduating from school 3 and a half years back, as is the norm in Indian society, I had to figure out a career for myself. Not really sure of what I wanted to do with my life, I decided, mostly to please my family, that engineering was a good, safe option. It had a huge ‘scope’ in a world which was increasingly becoming heavily dependent on technology for every little thing. So my father decided it was logical to enroll me in one of those crash courses where students are tortured for hours. I found myself trying to solve complex science equations and math problems in a coaching institute that prepared students for the tough IIT entrance exam.

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